LAW Bench Vice

In exceptionally good condition with numerous accessories & its original manual.


Ah, the LAW vice. Or is it vise? I thought, being English and educated quite stuffily, that it would be vice. However, who am I to contradict Lawrence Waldron, genius of the East Midlands, who calls it a vise? The Americans, at heart a wary, conservative nation, would have you call it a vise. In the US, a vice is the term to describe something very naughty.

Whatever, as they say everywhere nowadays. This here is a LAW bench vice (slipping back into old English) with a pedestal base, a sight screen/mirror, a bobbin cradle, a materials clip, a very rare bead tray, Allen key and its original manual.

It is mechanically perfect in every way and it has been cleaned and serviced, by me, exactly as advised by Lawrence Waldron in his manual. The overall condition is exceptional. This indicates that it is very close to mint. The mirror (which is not glass, which would be too heavy) has some faint and inconsequential scratches from contact with other parts of the vice when in storage. The powder coated white finish of the pedestal base has a few similarly faint marks, as you’d expect from a vice that has been used. You’d have to look for them, frankly.

This is the eighth LAW vice that I have handled the sale of in recent years. As a fanatical maker of fishing tackle and keen fly tyer, my admiration for these peerless vices remains undimmed. Actually, it continues to grow. In pagan times, there would have been shrines to Lawrence Waldron in central and eastern England.

Rather than subjecting you to any more of my blether, please read the picture captions, enlarge the pictures and read Lawrence’s original manual for the technical specifications.