The Wallop Brook fly rods by Constable of Bromley.

Built by Edward Barder in 1993 using specially selected Constable split cane, ferrules & reel seat fittings.

8¼’ #6-weight 2-piece

7½’ #5-weight 2-piece

6¾’ #4-weight 2-piece

A unique opportunity to acquire a complete set of these rods designed by the late Dermot Wilson (author of Fishing The Dry Fly and proprietor of the Nether Wallop Mill mail order tackle business) in conjunction with Clifford Constable, the famous south London bamboo rod maker.

Available as a set for £1,500 or individually for £600 each. Please see separate entries for each rod.

In its final swansong before its current renaissance, the split cane fly rod in Europe was most strongly influenced by Charles Ritz and his colleagues at Pezon et Michel of Amboise. The staggered ferrule format favoured by Ritz results in a rod with a tip longer than its butt, placing the ferrule below the principal flexing zone in the rod’s action.

The influence of Ritz was profound. Leading firms such as Sharpe’s of Aberdeen made staggered ferrule rods in partnership with Farlows to Pezon et Michel designs and even Hardy got on board with their Riccardi series. Walter Brunner of Austria famously made staggered ferrule rods influenced by Hans Gebetsroither.

Dermot Wilson was a friend of Charles Ritz and Frank Sawyer, who used Ritz-designed Pezon et Michel rods. When the Nether Wallop Mill tackle business decided to add its own range of fine split cane fly rods to its catalogue, Dermot Wilson chose Constable to co-design and manufacture the Wallop Brook staggered ferrule rods. They were an immediate success and became best sellers.

In 1989, just before I left Hardy’s to set up my own rod making business, I had the great good fortune to meet Cliff Constable and to buy his stock of materials, rod blanks and rod making equipment.

In 1993, using select Constable split cane blanks, original ferrules and reel seat fittings I completed a commission for the special set of three Wallop Brook fly rods presented here.

In common with the best staggered ferrule Ritz-inspired designs, the Wallop Brook rods have semi-parabolic tapers producing smooth, accurate casting actions and excellent fish playing characteristics. They are light and well balanced and a pleasure to fish with. After twenty eight years, it was so nice to see these rods again and I was delighted to find that they handled very enjoyably on the branch of the Lambourn behind our workshop.

They have very smart specifications, have had very little use and remain in exceptional condition. The set represents a unique opportunity to own a superb and very usable piece of English split cane fly rod history.