Always look on the bright side of life.

The Gallows Humour of Richard Walker.

Richard Walker was without doubt the most interesting and influential angler. Whatever is he going to tell is on page 2? We’ll come to that in a moment. Here, he’s referring to a rod that we recently sold. The Barder pre-owned tackle cupboard is looking a little bare at the moment, but don’t despair. In the wings, we have two of our Tonkin bamboo float tubes, a superb B. James & Son Avocet, a special order 12′ 3-piece Chris Yates Barbus Maximus that’s got a whole cane butt and two rods signed by Bernard Venables. The first is an all split cane Wallis Wizard made by Edward Barder in 1991 which Bernard inscribed in the kitchen of his cottage in Fosbury- Tight lines, Bernard Venables. “Mr Crabtree” it says. Superb. Unique. Lovely rod. I was four months away from my twenty sixth birthday when I made it. God I was talented as a young man. The other is one of only nine Craftversas that Bernard inscribed, this time in the kitchen of his house in Upavon. This rod comes with a colour photo of Bernard signing it.

So there you have him. Richard Walker -Flemish Giant Rabbit expert, brilliant angler and family planning advisor.

Until next time, look after yourselves and be careful on those icy pavements.

With best wishes from Lord Alfred, Colin Whitehouse and Edward Barder