Picnic By The River.
Now is the time for grayling, pike and chub. Wrap up warm and make an early start. If you have a friend like Tim, you’ll stop for a good picnic lunch. He insists on it. Once, he asked Wilf and I to blind taste some partridges he’d just barbequed, to see if we could tell the difference between the English and the French. The English won on taste. Very smart, Tim’s fishing picnics. I think he must have developed an irrational fear of gnawing hunger in his student days. He likes to pack his hamper with all the good stuff, but there’ll always be some Pot Noodles and the like, just in case the dressed crab and grouse breasts aren’t enough.
Speaking of good stuff-

Here’s a very nice Richard Carter Aerial. That other noble fish of autumn, the barbel, is not included in Tim’s picnic basket, but if he fished for them, I expect he’d use a Richard Carter Aerial Gem like this one. He’s got impeccable taste.
Tonkin bamboo.

We used to make bamboo float cases from Tonkin years ago. If this one has been sold by the time you read this, we’re making some more. They’re mostly spoken for but you’ve got years of fishing ahead of you so you’d be welcome to put your name down for one.
You don’t see many of these around here.

Like the wide mouthed frog, our superb 7′ #4-weight 3-piece is a rarely sighted item in our second hand section.
This is a rod we make regularly but it’s very unusual for one to resurface. The stream out the back is full but still within its banks so do make an appointment to come here for a cast with what will probably be the best brook trout rod you’ll ever handle.
Other modestly described items available include a Bernard Venables landing net and a Chris Yates Merlin Avon rod.
Best wishes from Edward and Colin.