Knock at the door.

I’m only a part time Bingo caller. Frankly, I don’t really understand Bingo and the jargon peculiar to it.

My day job is making rods like this mint conditioned No 4 Barder Rod Co 25th anniversary Kennet Perfection.

We made thirteen of them. This one is available now.

Please click on the pictures for more information.

Barder Rod Co Tonkin bamboo float cases.

We’re going to make three or four more of these cases this autumn. Last year’s batch of five sold out very quickly. Do please let us know if you’d like us to reserve one for you.

Please click on the pictures for more information.

We’re in the process of completing a couple of one-off extra special rods that will be available ex-stock in the not too distant future- a 4-piece carbon fibre Avon rod in a travel case and a split cane 3-piece 11′ Avon rod.

Lord Alfred. Made in Redditch. 9th August, 2009

RIP. 20th September 2023.

Autumnal best wishes and good luck, Edward and Colin