Barder Rod Co 8’ #5-weight 2-piece 2-top fly rod & leather case c2003.

In superb condition this is a spectacular example of our classic model № 2965.


Ordered on the 4th of April 2003 and completed on the 8th of September that year, this rod is in exceptional condition. There is little evidence of any wear from use. The rod, including its cork handle, remains as clean and tight.

If you’d like to treat yourself to a light but durable all round split cane rod, the purchase of this one would not result in a moment’s buyer’s remorse. If you are already a spit cane devotee whose collection unaccountably lacks this model, you’ll find no finer example without ordering a new one.

The action is assured –progressive, smooth and free from all of those annoying faults such as tip bounce and collapse under load during longer casts. Pair it with a Scientific Anglers Mastery Double Taper line loaded onto a Hardy LRH Lightweight and you’ll enjoy the accuracy, finesse and tactile quality of this rod.


Flame tempered vintage Tonkin bamboo, split by hand, straightened and the nodes pressed. The blank is made to a tolerance of +/- one thousandth of an inch to our own proprietary taper design. The tips (numbered 1 & 2 to ease rotation) are identical and there is a particularly elegant and perfectly formed swell above the handle’s top.

The comfortable cigar handle is made from Flor grade cork –the best.

The reel seat has finely knurled and engraved nickel silver metal work with a dark well figured Olive wood spacer.

Ferrules are perfectly fitted Super-Z pattern nickel silver. The female ferrule retains its Olive wood and cork stopper.

All metal work –reel seat and handle fittings, ferrules and Moran snake guides- has been blued and lacquered.

The butt ring is a classic size 10 Mildrum SRMC and the hayfork tip rings are finished to match the rest of the metal work. Whippings are Pearsall’s Gossamer Light Olive, which is varnish-impregnated and rendered flexible and transparent. The resulting colour is a very light tan, and the whippings have ultra-fine dark tan silk tippings.

The flawless finish is hand-applied yacht varnish.

The rod comes in its original pure silk bag (which has an integral tip protector) and a superb aluminium lined hand stitched English bridle leather case.