Hardy ‘The Gladstone’ 7′ #4-weight split bamboo fly rod.
An outstanding unused mint condition 2-piece 1-tip rod with strikingly dark flame-toned cane.
What an attractive and fine brook rod this is. It’s very true to the classic Hardy style and tradition with its nickel silver ‘W’ reel fitting and its comfortable, neat cigar handle.
The split cane shafts have the most impressive mahogany-brown flame toning set off splendidly by the Burgundy silk whippings and the agate butt ring.
The rod’s finish is superb, it’s straight and true, the ferrule is a snug fit and it comes in a tailored Hardy bag.
I wondered, when I first examined it, whether or not the rod would perform as well as it looks. Paired with a suitable Hardy reel and a DT #4 line, it casts incredibly well, with real authority, vigour and accuracy. I was impressed.
I believe that this rod was made when Calum Gladstone was the rod maker at Hardy’s and it represents a rare opportunity to own a Hardy rod of true pedigree for a very attractive price.
7′ 2-piece ‘Palakona’ flame toned split bamboo #4-wight single tip.
Blued & lacquered Hardy nickel silver splint end suction ferrule with its rosewood and cork stopper.
Flor grade cigar shaped cork handle and reel seat, with Hardy’s unique nickel silver ‘W’ reel fittings, but cap and shoulder collar.
Agate lined nickel silver butt ring and hard chrome plated snake rings and tip ring. Whipping are Burgundy silk.
The Indian ink inscription is as follows:
#4 “The Gladstone” Palakona Regd. Trade Mark. 7′
The rod comes in a very nice tailored bag with a pocket in the flap for the ferrule stopper, and a burgundy cordura travel case.