
Paul Witcher Avon Elite № 0 centrepin reel.

A rare and collectible reel in superb condition. Made in the early 1990s.

Original price was: £1,800.00.Current price is: £1,250.00.

This unique reel (there are other Avon Elites but only one № 0) is a super example of Paul Witcher’s earlier work. Let’s call it his silver period. He was in Paris at the time, collaborating with Picasso, Modigliani, Bracque and Leger – but we haven’t got time to go into that now.

The reel weighs 289 grammes (10.19oz) and the spool weighs 163 grammes (5.74oz). Its spool’s diameter is 4.400″. Its width is .790″

None of your pedestrian 4¼” x ¾” or what have you. We’re discussing something conceived by an artiste. They were exciting, revolutionary times. I took a godson with me to visit Paul not long before he made this reel. The infant stood in the middle of Paul’s living room and defiantly peed on the new carpet. This sort of thing doesn’t happen in today’s reel making ateliers. 

Tested with our famous apparatus, the № 0 Avon Elite’s spool rotates for 2 minutes 9.84 seconds. Surely, this is long enough for anyone.

The back plate, spool rims and handles are made from aluminium. The spindle, check wheel, check spring and pawl are made from steel. Other components are made from brass. The spool has the usual Witcher spoke-mounted spring release.

It’s strong enough to safely hold the sort of lines a gently reared angler might use for carp or barbel, but it will also allow you to float fish like Billy Lane, if only you had the skill.

Interesting, functional, good looking, impeccable pedigree. I’m talking about the reel.

For a very modest outlay you can own this Witcher reel and hold your head high in the centrepin salons of Hampshire and Dorset.