Richard Walker MK IV stepped-up carp rod made by Edward Barder.

A MK IV SU carp rod made in 1991. In exceptional condition.


I made this rod in August 1991 while working single handed in my North End workshop, south of Newbury.

The blanks were made from particularly heavy, dense Tonkin bamboo and remain straight to this day.

The ferrules were made by a former Hardy ferrule maker to a typical Hardy pattern, splint ended, reinforced and waterproof. They have a hand-turned Barder Rod Co Olive wood stopper.

The sliding reel bands were made by my colleague Colin Whitehouse in 2018 to replace the original bought in ones.

The rings are Amberfin butt and tip with hard chrome plated stainless steel intermediates. Whippings are chestnut silk with very fine black tippings throughout. The rod has a hook keeper whipped in the classic MK IV style above the Indian ink inscription.

The finish is impeccably applied marine grade gloss varnish.

This rod and its companion came to us in 2018 for a service and we refinished them to our current standards. They have not been used since to they are in perfect condition. They were entirely sound at the time, not having been used heavily, but they were approaching thirty years old and although my finishing work was pretty good in the early nineties, it’s even better now. That’s progress for you!

The rod comes in its tailor made bag.

These are really nice rods, not the dreadful old stumps that some stepped up MK IVs were. For today’s carp (and pike) in often weedy waters, these rods, loaded with twelve pound line (up to 15 lbs BS) are practical and enjoyable tools