Tinned Pike

Autumn Sale.

The days are shorter, the leaves turning and any minute now, the shops will be full of turkeys.

Please click on the pictures for more information.

We don’t sell turkeys but we do have a modest SALE on. Two landing nets at discreetly reduced prices and one of the best Merlins I’ve ever made with an equally tempting reduction. I utterly detest reducing my carefully measured prices but frankly, you’re in a bit of a torpor at the moment so I thought I’d negotiate my prices down to save you the trouble. You’re a coy lot and afraid to haggle. I understand. Doesn’t make me any less frightening but courage, mes courageux!

Michel Roux does a lovely sauce Nantua.

I saw him make it on the telly. I don’t think he uses tinned pike though. Still, sauce Nantua. Delicious. Easy to make if you can get some signal crayfish.

I bought this tin of Quenelles de Brochet in the Auvergne recently. It’s the brand my late parents preferred. When they lived in France, they swapped their occasional baked beans on toast for tinned pike not on toast. These quenelles contain 4.8% pike so not many fish were involved in the making of this light supper.

Spinning For Pike.

I’ve got three copies left of the 1st edition of my later father’s book (it’s not him on the cover). I’ll give a copy to you if you buy one of the items in my sale. One’s made out to my late mother, one to the President of the Twyford & District Angling club (my late grandfather, Colonel Philip Verey) and the third contains a poem my father wrote for my late great grandfather Colonel Henry Verey (aka The Old Colonel) to thank him for the fishing on his two miles of the river Loddon.

Can’t say fairer than that.

With best wishes and good luck with your fishing, Edward Barder & Colin Whitehouse – hommes sans arôme artificiel.