
Barder rods for 2025.

…as the actress said to the Bishop. Our Colin actually had a little carp rod called The Actress. What did

No turkeys here.

A Bodgan for Mr Fezziwig? This Bogdan is rare, fabulous and a perfect fit for a #5 line. Is that

Sanity Claus

Christmas will be here before you can say ‘Stocking filler.’ Here’s something you won’t often find under a heap of

Get Carter.

Unlike Jack Carter, I can’t wave a shooter about to make a point but take a look at this reel’s

Trouble & Strife -Antidotes.

SAD (Seasonal Angling Distractions). Joan’s song clearly expresses the frustrations familiar to the gentle angler distracted from their pastoral escape.

Basmati rice & Tizer?

Oh Fred, what on earth are you up to? Remember the popular Fred series of birthday cards? Of course you

The LAW bench vice.

JAWS!   It wasn’t just Peter Benchley’s man-eating shark that we had to deal with in the seventies. There was

Easter Sale.

Here’s a nice egg for Easter. This was the best egg available in 1973. It went like this: Now you’re

Shark Attack!

The Headington Shark. This is what caught my eye one stormy night in 1989 as I drove through Headington to